New BooksTeens

Check out the new books purchased for tweens and teens: What’s New

Still looking for a good book? Let YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) help you find one:

YALSA’s 2020 Best Fiction for Young Adults List

Printz Award for Best Fiction for Young Adults: The Printz Award is given to one book that exemplifies literary excellence in young adult literature.

Best Non-Fiction for Young Adults

Alex Awards for Young Adults

And check out these websites specifically designed for teens for more great recommendations:

Guys Reads: Are you a guy who doesn’t like to read? Click here for awesome stories featuring ultimate fighters, explosions, creepy killers, and the Wild West.

Reading Rants! With lists like “Deadheads and Mosh Pits,” “Fanging Around,” and “Riot Grrrl!” this is chock-full of the most unordinary book lists you’ll ever find.

No Flying, No Tights: The best new comics, graphic novels, and manga.

Teen Ink: Submit your own stories and poetry, and read original work written by other teens.

Plus, check out our databases!

Novelist: K-Grade 8: Enter in your favorite book and get a list of similar titles.