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Help via E-Mail: Go to the Morris County library’s special “Ask a Librarian”, fill out a form and a Reference Librarian will respond.
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New Jersey’s official career and labor market information website. Explore you, explore careers, explore schools, explore financial aid.
Get Help! New Jersey Librarians Help Residents through Tough Economic Times. Click here to find out more about:
- New Jersey Work Tools Information on job placement, career assistance and unemployment programs for New Jersey residents.
- New Jersey Financial Tools Check eligibility for help with utility bills, health care, food stamps, veterans service, tax assistance, and discounted car insurance.
- New Jersey Housing Tools Understand foreclosure issues and what you can do, programs for home buyers, information on mortgages, homeless prevention and more.
- New Jersey Health Tools Learn about the programs that help with doctor bills, and prescriptions. Free items for the deaf and hard of hearing and visually impaired, mental health information and help for caregivers, and links to medical information.
- New Jersey Parental Tools Health care programs for children, help with college costs, nutrition programs, home visitation program, and college prep.
- Tools for Seniors Get the one telephone number you need for direction to all services in your county! Information on help with car insurance, utilities, tax preparation assistance, and prescription assistance.